Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Trip to Shriner's Hospital in Houston, Texas

We took our annual trip to the Shriner's Hospital for Cameron's checkup. We usually fly or drive straight there and back home the same night. This time we decided to stop at my best friend Phyllis' house and spend some time with her and her family. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year! Here are some pictures of our trip.

1st night at Phyllis' house. Kids are already crashed out.

On the drive to Houston the next day. Kati and Cameron didn't make it that far.

Found this off the highway in Houston. Couldn't get a great picture but you get the idea.

This is at the hospital on the 5th floor outdoor play area.

Kati sitting in the lobby of the hospital waiting for us to get done with the appointment.

Front entrance of the hospital

Cameron and Kati outside on the playground.

Me and Cameron

On our way out of Houston we stopped to see the Sam Houston statue off the highway. Teenagers?

Cameron and Kati had climbed to the top of the base of the statue.

This gives you an idea of how tall the statue really is.

I got this pic that night coming back through Dallas. Just thought it was cool.
The next day we got up early and went out on their boat for the afternoon.

Kati getting up on the wake board.

Bryan showing off in front of the kids.

Me and Cameron watching Bryan wake board.

Tayler getting up on the wake board.

Cameron managed to stand all the way up and stay for just a second.

Tayler and Kati

When I went home I took the girls with me for a week and then Phyllis came down and took the boys the next week. It was almost Tyler's birthday so the girls made him a birthday cake. Awwww.

Cameron and Kati in the car.

Cameron, Kati, and Tyler on the way to Phyllis' for the week.

This was their week at Phyllis'. They went out on the boat again. Cameron finally figured out that whole wake boarding thing, and made it look easy!! Sorry they are sideways.

Tyler on the inner tube.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July

Went to Aunt Pam's for the 4th this year. We had a great time. We didn't buy any fireworks this year, but her entire neighborhood did, so we got to just sit back and enjoy the show.

Me and Pam, I think the only picture of just us, ever!

Tyler and Kyla (Traci's youngest daughter) Isn't she cute!

This is Drew (on the left) Traci's boyfriend and his cousin Trent.

Miss Traci

I have no idea who took this picture of Alex, but it's a good one.

Kyla, just out of the pool trying to get warm.

Taylor, (Traci's oldest daughter) being funny for the camera.

Kyla just couldn't figure out how that stupid mask was supposed to work.

Taylor, she looks just like Traci, isn't she beautiful.

Chanda, Traci, and Kylee (Kyla turned around at the last second)

Tyler and Traci, these two are thick as thieves.

Jeff, just hangin' out.

Halie, relaxing after a long swim.

Me and the girls.

Me and little Kylee bug. She loves taking pictures.

Makinley stole my shades!!

Kylee posing for me. Like I said, she loves taking pictures.

Her mom, not so much.